Web Development — A Simple Guide For Businesses
If you are a business owner, it’s important to apply new technicals to accelerate your company’s services/products so that profits may be generated better. And among a set of necessary tasks related to technology, web development is one of the most important and complicated works. However, if you search for “what is web development”, most of the results shown are courses for developers.
Therefore, in case this activity is still vague to you, let’s read on to understand the basics with Designveloper now!
What is web development?
In this booming era of the Internet, you might already know what websites are. In short, it is a collection of web pages, media, content that are shown on a domain name. And to develop websites, there is a list of tasks a person/team must do such as front-end, back-end scripting, web design, UI/UX design, network security, etc.
Regarding web development, people often refer this term to two things: a type of professional and industry. As for the professional, people who perform web development will create the interface, work with databases, set-up the structure via programming languages, etc.
When it comes to the web industry, it concerns everything from web design, UI/UX design to coding, etc. This means the web industry will consist of many tasks other than just building web with code editors. In this article, we’ll talk mostly about this thriving industry.
This is a complex work since there is a lot to do, that’s why a team could include many stakeholders such as:
- Project manager: working with plans (time stones, resources, etc), final goals, deliver specifications, guiding the team, etc.
- UI/UX designers: designing the interfaces, interaction flows of the web.
- Web developers: as stated above, these are the ones who use programming languages to create web interfaces, interaction flow based on UI/UX designer’s design, work with databases, etc.
- Business analysts: they are the bridge between development, design team and the business. They receive requests from clients or higher-level executives, translate them to “IT language” and vice versa.
- Testers (also known as QC): checking if the product works well and reporting issues to web developers if there are some.
- Product Owner: clients (if it is an outsourcing project), managers/marketing/R&D team (if it is an internal project).
6 roles above are the most significant ones. Each of them takes on different yet important tasks and lacking one will affect your web development project one way or another.
There are 3 main ways to perform a web development project.
First of all, you can work with an in-house team. Members of this team are your own employees or colleagues. This makes you their client.
Second, hiring freelancers might be a good choice. You can find them via connections or freelancing websites. Most of the time they will work with you remotely.
The last option for you is to partner with a software outsourcing company. A software outsourcing company (Designveloper, for example) owns a full and skillful team that could offer you a wide range of services from web development, software development, business consulting, etc. The difference between this one and freelancers is that you don’t have to manage stuff like human resources, plans, specifications, etc. since they already have personnel like project managers, team leaders, and business analysts.
Why does web development matter to businesses?
Obviously, websites are where your business lives online. And this tool contributes a lot to attract/keep customers and as a result, drive your profit. Why so?
First of all, if your website was beautifully designed, developed, and has attractive content, it’ll bring a convincing first impression of professional and engagement. Once the good impression is set, your potential customers will come back for more great content, experience, etc. or they’ll remember your website once they need anything related to your business. In other words, your business is now on the top of their list.
Furthermore, you have control over your website rather than social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). We all know that marketing on social networks is an important activity that somehow can affect revenue. However, it’s time to consider them a way to get your customers to access your websites.
On the one hand, with your web page, you can adjust its design, content or experience, etc. easier and faster. For example, even though Facebook has presented a feature that allows businesses to list our items, customers cannot customize their choices such as colors, sizes, shapes, etc. But it’s an easy task when it comes to your own website. Another example is that Facebook interface’s main color is blue, and of course, we cannot adjust such design. And if your development team optimizes the website to its full potential, of course, it loads faster than Facebook.
On the other hand, a website provides details and information about your business, products, and services better than any other platform whether it’s online or offline once done right.
Besides, the search tools of social networks are not as good and accurate as Google’s one. That’s why most of the Internet users will use Google to look for what they need. And this is when SEO comes to the play. However, because of their specificities, social networks don’t allow us to optimize content (heading, subheading, text, image, etc.). Yet, with a website and some lines of code, you can optimize your resources effortlessly and thus, the customers are able to learn more of your business in no time.
On top of that, your competitors are probably using a website too because of its multiple benefits. Therefore, the threat of losing a great number of customers is real. Since, after all, people are using the Internet more than ever. According to datareportal.com, there are 56% of all the people on Earth are using the Internet and this number is increasing day by day.
But what if your website is a mess? The answer is obvious: your website will not have a good rank on Google Search Engine; customers will leave the site sooner or later, either way, chances are that nothing is sold.
Nevertheless, don’t worry yet, you and your team can still improve or enhance that mess. Let’s now move on to the final part.
How to successfully develop a website?
There are countless factors that could make your website an outstanding one, however, below are some of the most significant steps recommended by people at Designveloper.
1. Research
Given that you already have ideas to build your website, it’s time to do research on the market (competitors, target audience, market trends, etc.), your industry (technology, monetization, etc.) and the strength and weakness of your ideas.
To make this stage easier, here are several tips for you:
- Draft a set of personas to understand your future users.
- Don’t make assumptions, especially when it comes to users, who they are, what they are doing, their hobbies or expectations.
- It’s essential to make decisions based on facts and figures because your research is only worth it when conducted precisely.
- Don’t underestimate your competitors’ products or services even if it’s crap since you could learn from their mistakes and enhance your own plan and strategy.
2. Build a good development team
As mentioned above, you can opt for how to develop your product: an internal team, freelancers or a software outsourcing development company. Whatever your choice is, your development team must be skillful, consists of basic roles (developer, designer, team leader, tester) and understand each other. This way, the project would be smoothly run.
3. Choose your project management framework wisely
A project management framework will state the flow of your process. For example, if your web development process goes like design > develop > test > fail > design again… then your team is using the waterfall framework.
At the moment, there are a bunch of frameworks to apply. Some of the most common ones are Waterfall, PRINCE2, CCPM (critical chain project management), Scrum, etc. Each framework has its own upsides and downsides, that’s why you have to pick up the most suitable one for your project.
Designveloper, for example, is practicing Scrum. It helps us optimize our products faster and more effectively. Besides, Scrum makes the process transparent and everyone who is involved in the project will know what is happening. You can read the whole article about Scrum to know it better here.
4. Maintain and update your website frequently
You cannot just leave the site at the moment everything is done. To be honest, nothing is really done since bugs or errors could happen all the time. The reasons are various, browsers change their specificities, your links, buttons, and forms lead to nowhere, etc.
And not only your content but also the technology and design needs updating.
On the one hand, as for the content and design, trends change and update every single day, that’s why your website cannot settle for just one style, or else, customers will get bored and find a new site to surf sooner or later. You can stay updated with several sites like Muz.li, Behance.net, Google Trends, etc.
On the other hand, in general, the software development industry is an ever-changing one and so is web development. New programming languages, frameworks, libraries or tricks, trends, etc. come to us in a blink and choose a suitable and innovative one is necessary.
Mobile friendly, for instance, is still on the rise and if your website cannot adapt to mobile devices like 19% of businesses in the US, it means (again) you are losing plenty of customers to competitors.
Another one is dark mode. Apple has released its iOS 13 recently and dark mode is an outstanding move here. As a result, many sites changed their interfaces to make the experience better.
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If you are searching for a software outsourcing company, look no further than Designveloper. We offer a wide range of services like software development, web development, web design, business consultant, etc. Tell us your ideas and we’ll help you realize them!